General Information
- Hourly Rate (dry): $54.94
- Horsepower: 150
- Seats: 2 People
- Useful Load: 600 lbs (sea level)
- Fuel Burn: 6.5 gph @ 75%
- Ceiling: 12,650
- Speed: 102 KIAS
- Fuel capacity: 26 gallons
- Lycoming O-320 E2D
- uAvionix ADS-B Out
- Student Pilot Certificate or Higher
- Satisfactory Checkout with a Club Instructor
This aircraft has a density altitude limit of 7900′.
Aircraft Description
This Cessna 150, a timeless classic in aviation, effortlessly soars to new heights. Pumping out 150 HP with its Lycoming 0-320, the humble commuter rockets off the ground, the extra power easily sending the light frame skyward. This iconic aircraft is renowned for its reliability and versatility, and cost efficient nature when it comes to flight training.
With each takeoff, this unique 150/150 soars into the endless sky, carrying the dreams of aspiring aviators and reminding us that with innovation and courage, we can elevate ourselves to new heights. Equipped with its powerful, responsive piston engine, this aircraft delivers a smooth and enjoyable flying experience for pilots of all levels, and helps student pilots build time without breaking the bank.
Aircraft Documents
- Cessna 150L POH
- Weight and Balance
- Lycoming O-320 Engine Manual
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